Monday, January 25, 2010


I hate Mondays. I hate that i have to say goodbye to my family, the night before Monday. I hate that when i wake up on Monday morning i am not on my big queen sized bed but instead on a standard single bed. I hate that when i wake up there's no food served in the kitchen. I JUST F! HATE MONDAYS.

I took daddy's old watch, simply because i feel like having a new watch but i can't afford it for now, so borrow daddy's is another option. Okay what, it looks so classic! I'm so into old classic things now, no idea why. HMM. No worries, i will guard it with my life.

p/s: Oh dad's salary, would you come already? I need my allowance lah dey!



tlg pujuk ayah. d sumpah kering gile skg. tgl rm6 dkt cimb, rm2 dkt maybank.