Saturday, January 23, 2010


OK, let see what happened today;

Woke up at 10, went to SubangParade with mummy --> Went to the alteration shop (mummy bought a dress for the annual dinner tonight). --> While waiting, went to Al-Ikhsan.(i wanted to buy new futsal shoes, Z already bought one for himself last night) --> No luck there, mummy suggested to go nike boutique and YEAY! --> Picked up the dress, went back home --> Changed to new clothes and went to mines (teman ally go out with her bf, such a boring job) --> Bla bla bla at the mines and here i am, HOME SWEET HOME =)!

I just cooked a jumbo burger (my own recipe) for Z and i must say it's really huge. No picture though, sorry.

That's all for today. Boo-yah!